Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

A Very Good Beginning

Agaetis byrjun

Bjartar Vonir Rætast
Er Við Göngum Bæinn
Brosum Og Hlæjum Glaðir
Vinátta Og Þreyta Mætast
Höldum Upp Á Daginn
Og Fögnum Tveggja Ára Bið
Fjarlægur Draumur Fæðist
Borðum Og Drekkum Saddir
Og Borgum Fyrir Okkur
Með Því Sem Við Eigum Í Dag
Setjumst Niður Spenntir
Hlustum Á Sjálfa Okkur Slá
Í takt við tónlistina
Það Virðist Enginn Hlusta
Þetta Er Allt Öðruvísi
Við Lifðum Í Öðrum Heimi
Þar Sem Vorum Aldrei Ósýnileg
Nokkrum Dögum Síðar
Við Tölum Saman Á Ný
En Hljóðið Var Ekki Gott
Við Vorum Sammála Um Það
Sammála Um Flesta Hluti
Við Munum Gera Betur Næst
Þetta Er Ágætis Byrjun

I've already love this song by Sigur Ros long before, for the good music he composed and magnetic voice he have, but never I tried to understand the lyric. And my friend send this song in twitter *as if on the radio :p * and he also twote the tittle meaning : "A very good beginning" . And then I began feeling curious for the whole lyric meaning, so I google it. Here the meaning of the song. *Actually I don't need to write it down since you can googling it your self easily, haha*

Good Start

 Bright hope is true
Bright Town
As We Walk Downtown
Meet friends and Fatigue
We Celebrate The Day
A Two Year Wait
Distant dream is born
Eat and drink filled
And Pay For Ourselves
With Everything We Have Today
We Sit Down Excited
and Listen To Ourselves Play In Rhythm
In tune with music
No One Seems To Listen
This Is Completely Different
We Lived In Another World
Where We Were Never Invisible
A Few Days Later
We Speak Again
But The Sound Was not Good
and We Were All In Agreement
in Agreement About Most Things
We'll Do Better Next Time
but This Is a Good Start

Such a spirit-booster!so so soooooo beauty. And I'm falling in love deeper to Sigur Ros.

My friend send this song for us, his partners in Teras Nusantara *I've already told about Teras Nusantara in previous post, have you read it? :) *. He must be in a really good spirit that he want to share it with us. He got reason. Teras Nusantara show a really good progress since the first time we work on it, we got a lot of request this month and some people give attention to what we do and offer their help to us. Things not only happen good for Teras Nusantara, but also for us, the person who run it, good things happen to us. Like universe show us the way to pursue our dream. This is a good optimistic start for us, I hope that this very good beginning continue onwards. :)

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